Sunday 2 July 2023

How Digital Watermarking Perform in Augmented Reality Apps


AR apps and digital watermarking can play an essential role in assuring the security and integrity

The introduction of augmented reality (AR) has resulted in a paradigm change in how we engage with digital material. AR applications are being used in a variety of areas, including entertainment, education, healthcare, and retail. As technology advances, there is a growing need to verify the security and validity of digital material superimposed over the actual world. Digital watermarking comes into play here.

Digital watermarking is a technique used to safeguard and verify digital assets such as photos, videos, and audio files by embedding undetectable information. The encoded data, known as a watermark, may be used to validate the content’s legitimacy, trace its dissemination, and prevent unlawful copying or manipulation. Digital watermarking can be essential in maintaining the security and integrity of digital material shown in AR applications.

One of the key advantages of employing digital watermarking in AR applications is the ability to safeguard content providers’ intellectual property rights. As augmented reality technology spreads, there is rising fear that digital information might be readily stolen, modified, or disseminated without the original author’s permission. Creators can prove ownership and trace the spread of their work by incorporating a digital watermark into the content. This can discourage copyright infringement while ensuring authors adequately pay for their labor.

Digital watermarking can be used to improve the user experience in AR applications in addition to safeguarding intellectual property rights. Watermarked content, for example, can be utilized to activate unique AR experiences when recognized by a compatible device. Users may point their smartphones at a watermarked object to receive relevant information or interactive content, allowing for seamless integration of the real and digital worlds. Moreover, digital watermarking may generate customized augmented reality experiences depending on user preferences or prior interactions with the material.

Another potential use for digital watermarking in AR is in advertising. Advertisers seek novel ways to interact with customers and create immersive, contextually relevant experiences as augmented reality technology gains popularity. Advertisers may bridge the physical and digital worlds by embedding digital watermarks in print or outdoor advertising, allowing customers to access extra information, promotional offers, or interactive content by Just scanning the advertising with their AR-enabled smartphones.

Additionally, digital watermarking can improve the security of AR applications. Watermarked information, for example, can be used to authenticate individuals or allow access to restricted sections inside an AR environment. This can prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information or resources by ensuring only authorized users interact with the material

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