Friday 31 March 2023

Top 10 Cloud Computing trends to Look Out for in 2023


The Top Cloud Computing trends to look out for in 2023. It has taken the world by storm

Cloud Computing has become an essential tool for business, a helpful way to store and share data. Every firm was compelled to embrace cloud platforms since remote working options were made possible by the pandemic. Cloud computing trends are popular in areas like application and infrastructure software, business processes, and system infrastructure.

Cloud Computing is an on-demand availability of computer system resources and delivery of computer services including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence over the internet to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. It is used by every corporation that wants business continuity, cost reduction, and enhanced future scalability. The top cloud computing trends to look out for in 2023 are AI and ML, Kubernetes, Multi and Hybrid cloud solutions, IoT, Cloud Security, and more. As Cloud computing trends are growing, here are the top 10 cloud computing trends to look out for in 2023.

Edge Computing

Edge Computing is one of the biggest trends in cloud computing. Here, data is stored, processed at the edge of the network, and analyzed geographically closer to its source. Faster processing and reduced latency can be achieved due to the increasing use of 5G. Edge computing has major benefits which include more privacy, faster data transmission, security, and increased efficiency. Edge computing will be at the center of every cloud strategy, making it the top cloud computing trend for 2023.

 AI and ML

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two technologies that are closely related to cloud computing. AI and ML services are more cost-effective since large amounts of computational power and storage space are needed for data collection and algorithm training. They are a solution for managing massive volumes of data to improve tech company productivity. The key trends that are likely to emerge in this area include increased automation and self-learning capabilities, greater data security and privacy, and more personalized cloud experiences.

 Disaster Recovery

Cloud computing is effective in disaster recovery and offers businesses the ability to quickly restore critical systems in the event of a natural or man-made catastrophe. it refers to the process of recovering from a disaster such as power outages, data loss, or hardware failures using cloud-based resources.

 Multi and Hybrid Cloud Solution

A lot of enterprises have adopted multi-cloud and Hybrid IT strategy which combines on-premise, dedicated private clouds, several public clouds, and legacy platforms. They offer a combination of public and private clouds dedicated to a specific company whose data is key business driver, such as insurance, banks, etc. hence, multi and hybrid cloud solutions will be among the top cloud computing trends in 2023 and the coming years.

Cloud Security and Resilience

Several security risks still exist when companies migrate to the cloud. In the upcoming years, investing in cyber security and developing resilience against everything from data loss to the effects of a pandemic on international trade will become increasingly important and a big clouding trend. In 2023, this trend will expand the usage of managed “security-as-a-service” providers and AI and predictive technology to detect risks before they cause issues.

Cloud Gaming

Video gaming services are provided by Microsoft, Sony, Nvidia, and Amazon. But streaming video games require higher bandwidth and can be possible only with high-speed internet access. Cloud gaming will become a significant industry in 2023 with the introduction of 5G.


The key trend is the increased adoption of container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes and Docker. This technology enables large-scale deployments that are highly scalable and efficient. It is an extensible, open-source platform that runs applications from a single source while centrally managing the services and workloads. Kubernetes are rapidly evolving and will continue to be major players in cloud computing trends over the next few years.

Serverless Computing

Serverless Computing came into the computing industry as a result of the emergence of the sharing economy. Here, compute resources are provided as a service rather than installed on physical servers. This means that the organization only pays for the resources they use rather than having to maintain its servers. In addition, serverless cloud solutions are becoming popular due to ease of use and ability to quickly build, deploy and scale cloud solutions. Overall, technology is an emerging trend that is growing in popularity over the years.


Blockchain is a linked list of blocks containing records and keeps growing as users add to it. Cryptography is used to store data in blocks. It offers excellent security, transparency, and decentralization. It is now increasingly used in conjugation with the cloud. It can process vast amounts of data and exercise control over documents economically and securely. The new technology is becoming a tremendous promise for several industrial applications.


IoT is a well-known trend in cloud computing. It is a technology that maintains connections between computers, servers, and networks. It functions as a mediator and ensures successful communication and assists in data collection from remote devices. It also resolves warnings and supports the security protocols by businesses to create a safer cloud environment.

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Tuesday 28 March 2023

Cloud Computing

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software.

Rather than keeping files on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device, cloud-based storage makes it possible to save them to a remote database. As long as an electronic device has access to the web, it has access to the data and the software programs to run it.

Cloud computing is a popular option for people and businesses for a number of reasons including cost savings, increased productivity, speed and efficiency, performance, and security.

Understanding Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is named as such because the information being accessed is found remotely in the cloud or a virtual space. Companies that provide cloud services enable users to store files and applications on remote servers and then access all the data via the Internet. This means the user is not required to be in a specific place to gain access to it, allowing the user to work remotely.

Cloud computing takes all the heavy lifting involved in crunching and processing data away from the device you carry around or sit and work at. It also moves all of that work to huge computer clusters far away in cyberspace. The Internet becomes the cloud, and voilĂ —your data, work, and applications are available from any device with which you can connect to the Internet, anywhere in the world.

Types of Cloud Services

Regardless of the kind of service, cloud computing services provide users with a series of functions including:
*Storage, backup, and data retrieval
*Creating and testing apps
*Analyzing data
*Audio and video streaming
*Delivering software on demand

Cloud computing is still a fairly new service but is being used by a number of different organizations from big corporations to small businesses, nonprofits to government agencies, and even individual consumers.

Deployment Models
There are various types of clouds, each of which is different from the other. Public clouds provide their services on servers and storage on the Internet. These are operated by third-party companies, who handle and control all the hardware, software, and the general infrastructure. Clients access services through accounts that can be accessed by just about anyone.

Private clouds are reserved for specific clientele, usually one business or organization. The firm's data service center may host the cloud computing service. Many private cloud computing services are provided on a private network.

Hybrid clouds are, as the name implies, a combination of both public and private services. This type of model allows the user more flexibility and helps optimize the user's infrastructure and security.

Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is not a single piece of technology like a microchip or a cellphone. Rather, it's a system primarily comprised of three services: software-as-a-service (SaaS), infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), and platform-as-a-service (PaaS).
Software-as-a-service (SaaS) involves the licensure of a software application to customers. Licenses are typically provided through a pay-as-you-go model or on-demand. This type of system can be found in Microsoft Office's 365.1
Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) involves a method for delivering everything from operating systems to servers and storage through IP-based connectivity as part of an on-demand service. Clients can avoid the need to purchase software or servers, and instead procure these resources in an outsourced, on-demand service. Popular examples of the IaaS system include IBM Cloud and Microsoft Azure.12
Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) is considered the most complex of the three layers of cloud-based computing. PaaS shares some similarities with SaaS, the primary difference being that instead of delivering software online, it is actually a platform for creating software that is delivered via the Internet. This model includes platforms like and Heroku.3 4

Advantages of Cloud Computing

Cloud-based software offers companies from all sectors a number of benefits, including the ability to use software from any device either via a native app or a browser. As a result, users can carry their files and settings over to other devices in a completely seamless manner.

Cloud computing is far more than just accessing files on multiple devices. Thanks to cloud computing services, users can check their email on any computer and even store files using services such as Dropbox and Google Drive.56 Cloud computing services also make it possible for users to back up their music, files, and photos, ensuring those files are immediately available in the event of a hard drive crash.

It also offers big businesses huge cost-saving potential. Before the cloud became a viable alternative, companies were required to purchase, construct, and maintain costly information management technology and infrastructure. Companies can swap costly server centers and IT departments for fast Internet connections, where employees interact with the cloud online to complete their tasks.

The cloud structure allows individuals to save storage space on their desktops or laptops. It also lets users upgrade software more quickly because software companies can offer their products via the web rather than through more traditional, tangible methods involving discs or flash drives. For example, Adobe customers can access applications in its Creative Cloud through an Internet-based subscription.7 This allows users to download new versions and fixes to their programs easily.

Disadvantages of the Cloud

With all of the speed, efficiencies, and innovations that come with cloud computing, there are, naturally, risks.

Security has always been a big concern with the cloud especially when it comes to sensitive medical records and financial information. While regulations force cloud computing services to shore up their security and compliance measures, it remains an ongoing issue. Encryption protects vital information, but if that encryption key is lost, the data disappears.

Servers maintained by cloud computing companies may fall victim to natural disasters, internal bugs, and power outages, too. The geographical reach of cloud computing cuts both ways: A blackout in California could paralyze users in New York, and a firm in Texas could lose its data if something causes its Maine-based provider to crash.

As with any technology, there is a learning curve for both employees and managers. But with many individuals accessing and manipulating information through a single portal, inadvertent mistakes can transfer across an entire system.

The World of Business

Businesses can employ cloud computing in different ways. Some users maintain all apps and data on the cloud, while others use a hybrid model, keeping certain apps and data on private servers and others on the cloud.
When it comes to providing services, the big players in the corporate computing sphere include:
Google Cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure
IBM Cloud
Alibaba Cloud

What Are the Main Types of Cloud Computing?

The main types of cloud computing services include Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platforms-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).10IaaS provides IT infrastructure to end-users via the internet and is commonly associated with serverless computing.
PaaS serves both software and hardware to end-users, who are generally software developers. PaaS allows the user to develop, run, and manage their own apps without having to build and maintain the infrastructure.
SaaS is a software licensing model, which allows access to software on a subscription basis using external servers without having to download and install them locally.

Is Cloud Computing Safe?

Because software and data are stored remotely in cloud computing, data security and platform security are a big concern. Cloud security refers to the measures undertaken to protect digital assets and data stored on cloud-based services. Measures to protect this data include two-factor authorization (2FA), the use of VPNs, security tokens, data encryption, and firewall services, among others.s Cloud Computing Safe?

Thursday 23 March 2023

Computer technology revolutionised with new materials



Research conducted at the Paul Scherrer Institute, using the Swiss Light Source, has helped reach a vital turning point in innovating computer technology.
Since the first transistor was invented in 1947, silicon has been a vital staple in computer technology. Researchers have always imagined that this silicon era would end, but this has so far been wrong. Computer technology comprised of silicon continues to develop at a rapid pace, with IT giant IBM recently announcing the first microprocessor with a transistor of only two nanometres.

At the same time, new ideas are taking shape that could revolutionise computer technology. Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute, led by Milan Radovic, are working in this field, and have presented their cutting-edge research into transparent oxides.

The research, ‘Low-dimensional electronic state at the surface of a transparent conductive oxide,’ is published in Communications Physics, and has the potential to open up huge prospects for computer technology.
Using new materials to innovate computer technology

The research team is set to advance microchip technology by working with transition metal oxides (TMOs) instead of traditional silicon. TMOs have advantages such as high-temperature superconductivity, colossal magnetoresistance, metal-insulator transition, which promise great advances for the chip technology of the future.

Specifically, the researchers focused on barium tin oxide (BaSnO3), a material that combines optical transparency with high electrical conductivity. For some time, scientists have been trying to elicit semiconductor-like properties from transition metals and transparent oxides like BaSnO3. This is because they offer groundbreaking advantages for optoelectronic elements compared to silicon. For example, these transparent, conductive perovskite oxides can create switching elements with directly linked electrical and optical properties. It could then be possible to produce transistors that can be switched with light.
Knowledge of interfaces is necessary

Microchips are made from a combination of different substances, having physical properties that differ on the surface compared with their interior. To understand their function, therefore, scientists must have knowledge about what happens in the thin adjacent layers – the interfaces.

Unique phases can occur at the interfaces of materials, with the team detailing many advances in the understanding of the surface-state electronic properties of BaSnO3.

The researchers used angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy at the beamline of the Swiss Light Source to “discover the two-dimensional electronic state of BaSnO3, which opens up new prospects for this class of materials,” stated Eduardo Guedes, co-author of the study.

Now, the team aims to discover which other materials exhibit similar properties, to help innovate computer technology for the future, and to create potential candidates for the optical microchips of the future.

But silicon is far from being an outdated technology, Radovic stressed. It is in fact highly developed and efficient. “However, computer technology based on transition metal oxides is much more powerful and versatile – its time will come.”

Monday 20 March 2023

Exploring the Potential Medical Applications of Brain-Computer Interface Technology

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and the world around us. From controlling prosthetic limbs to restoring movement and communication to patients with severe disabilities, BCI technology holds great promise for improving human health and quality of life. However, as with any technology, there are potential risks and hazards associated with BCI technology, particularly in the medical field.

One of the most significant medical hazards associated with BCI technology is the potential for brain damage or injury. Invasive BCIs, which involve implanting electrodes directly into the brain, carry a risk of infection, bleeding, and other complications. While the risks associated with invasive BCIs have been greatly reduced with advancements in technology and surgical techniques, there is still a risk of damage to the brain tissue during the implantation process. Additionally, there is a risk of long-term damage to the brain tissue caused by the presence of the electrodes.

Another medical hazard associated with BCI technology is the risk of psychological effects. Prolonged use of BCIs could have psychological effects, such as addiction or altered perceptions of reality. There is also a risk of psychological harm to patients who are not able to fully understand the implications of BCI technology or who have unrealistic expectations about its capabilities.

In addition to these potential hazards, there are also ethical concerns associated with the use of BCI technology in the medical field. For example, there is a risk that BCIs could be used to manipulate or control patients against their will. This is particularly concerning in cases where patients are not able to fully understand the implications of the technology or where there is a power imbalance between the patient and the medical provider.

Despite these potential hazards and ethical concerns, there is also great potential for BCI technology to revolutionize the medical field. BCIs have already been used successfully to restore movement and communication to patients with severe disabilities, including those with spinal cord injuries and locked-in syndrome. Non-invasive BCIs, which use sensors placed on the scalp instead of implanted electrodes, have also been used successfully to treat a range of conditions, including epilepsy, depression, and chronic pain.

One of the most promising applications of BCI technology in the medical field is in the treatment of neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. BCIs have the potential to restore communication between the brain and affected areas of the body, which could help to alleviate symptoms such as tremors and loss of mobility. Additionally, BCIs could be used to stimulate the brain in a way that helps to slow or prevent the progression of these diseases.

Another promising application of BCI technology in the medical field is in the development of prosthetic limbs that can be controlled directly by the brain. While prosthetic limbs have been available for many years, they have traditionally been controlled by manual input methods such as switches or joysticks. BCIs have the potential to provide a more intuitive and natural way for amputees to control their prosthetics, which could greatly improve their quality of life.

BCI technology also has the potential to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of surgical procedures. By providing real-time feedback to surgeons during procedures, BCIs could help to reduce the risk of complications and improve patient outcomes. Additionally, BCIs could be used to develop more advanced robotic surgery systems that are capable of performing complex procedures with greater precision and accuracy.

Despite the potential benefits of BCI technology in the medical field, it is important to approach the development and use of this technology with caution. Strict regulations and safety measures must be put in place to ensure that BCIs are developed and used safely and ethically. Additionally, it is important to involve patients and other stakeholders in the development and testing of BCI technology to ensure that it meets their needs and is designed with their safety in mind.

One approach to mitigating the medical hazards associated with BCI technology is the use of non-invasive BCIs. Non-invasive BCIs use sensors placed on the scalp to detect and interpret brain signals, rather than implanting electrodes directly into the brain. While non-invasive BCIs may not be as precise as invasive BCIs, they carry fewer risks and are more easily accessible to patients. As non-invasive BCI technology continues to advance, it has the potential to become an increasingly important tool in the medical field.

Another approach to mitigating the medical hazards associated with BCI technology is to improve the safety and effectiveness of invasive procedures. For example, researchers are developing new materials and coatings that can be used to reduce the risk of infection and inflammation associated with implanted electrodes. Additionally, researchers are exploring new techniques for implanting electrodes that minimize the risk of damage to the brain tissue.

It is also important to address the ethical concerns associated with BCI technology in the medical field. One way to do this is to involve patients and other stakeholders in the development and testing of BCI technology. By engaging with patients and other stakeholders, researchers can ensure that the technology is designed to meet their needs and is used in a way that is safe and ethical.

Regulation is another important tool for ensuring the safe and ethical development and use of BCI technology in the medical field. Governments and regulatory bodies can establish guidelines and standards for the development and use of BCIs, and can enforce these standards through inspections and other means. Additionally, ethical codes and standards can be established to guide the use of BCIs in medical research and practice.

In conclusion, BCI technology has great potential to revolutionize the medical field and improve human health and quality of life. However, as with any technology, there are potential risks and hazards associated with BCI technology, particularly in the medical field. It is important to approach the development and use of this technology with caution and to implement appropriate safety measures and ethical standards. By doing so, we can maximize the benefits of BCI technology while minimizing its potential hazards and ensuring that it is used in a safe and ethical manner.

Friday 17 March 2023

Quantum Technology

The world is in the midst of a second Quantum revolution. Spurred by giant leaps in the ability to detect and manipulate single quantum objects, the technology ecosystem is making huge strides in developing and commercialising applications like Quantum Computing, Communications and Sensors. At Oxford Instruments, we are at the forefront of enabling solutions for Quantum Technologies development.

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Much of the technology we now take for granted with underpinning theoretic description using quantum physics we now label Quantum 1.0. This new quantum technology revolution underway further exploits and controls the fundamental properties of the quantum realm and is popularly known as Quantum 2.0. This technology relies on two further fundamental characteristics of quantum mechanics: superposition and entanglement.

Superposition allows these quantum systems to exist in multiple configurations in parallel, while entanglement makes them strongly linked even across large distances, enabling the possibility of connecting them in a network while still acting as one system. Exploiting and controlling this processing in quantum objects enables a range of exciting new technologies, such as quantum computing, communication, new forms of cryptography and sensing

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Wednesday 15 March 2023

Quantum Computing Is the Future, and Schools Need to Catch Up...


Top universities are finally bringing the excitement of the quantum future into the classroom.

The harnessed power of the subatomic world could soon upend the modern computing industry. Quantum computers are all over the news, and fundamental work on the theory that gave rise to them even won last year’s Nobel Prize.

But the one place you might not hear about them is inside a physics classroom. And if we have any hope of creating a technology-literate population and developing a workforce for this emerging field, that needs to change.

What’s a quantum computer? Unlike the computer sitting on your desk, which encodes words or numbers as collections of 1s and 0s called “bits,” quantum computers rely on quantum bits or “qubits,” which are more, well, dicey (much to Einstein’s chagrin). Unlike bits, qubits assign weights to their 1s and 0s, more like how you would tailor loaded dice, which means there is a probability associated with measuring either number. They lack a definite value, instead embodying a bit of both states until you measure them. Quantum algorithms run on these qubits, and, theoretically, perform calculations by rolling these loaded dice, causing their probabilities to interfere and increasing their odds of finding the ideal solution. The ultimate hope is that math operations such as factoring gargantuan numbers, which now would take a computer billions of years to perform, would only take a few days on a quantum computer.

This new way of computing could crack hard problems that are out of reach for classical processors, opening new frontiers everywhere from drug discovery to artificial intelligence. But rather than expose students to quantum phenomena, most physics curricula today are designed to start with the physics ABCs—riveting topics such as strings on pulleys and inclined planes—and while students certainly need to know the basics (there’s room for Newton and Maxwell alongside Schrödinger’s cat), there should to be time spent connecting what they are learning to state-of-the-art technology.

That matters because quantum computing is no longer a science experiment. Technology demonstrations from IBM (my employer), Google and other industry players prove that useful quantum computing is on the horizon. The supply of quantum workers however, remains quite small. A 2021 McKinsey report predicts major talent shortages—with the number of open jobs outnumbering the number of qualified applicants by about 3 to 1—until at least the end of the decade without fixes. That report also estimates that the quantum talent pool in the U.S. will fall far behind China and Europe. China has announced the most public funding to date of any country, more than double the investments by E.U. governments, $15.3 billion compared to $7.2 billion, and eight times more than U.S. government investments.

Thankfully, things are starting to change. Universities are exposing students sooner to once-feared quantum mechanics courses. Students are also learning through less-traditional means, like YouTube channels or online courses, and seeking out open-source communities to begin their quantum journeys. And it’s about time, as demand is skyrocketing for quantum-savvy scientists, software developers and even business majors to fill a pipeline of scientific talent. We can’t keep waiting six or more years for every one of those students to receive a Ph.D., which is the norm in the field right now.

Schools are finally responding to this need. Some universities are offering non-Ph.D. programs in quantum computing, for example. In recent years, Wisconsin and the University of California, Los Angeles, have welcomed inaugural classes of quantum information masters’ degree students into intensive year-long programs. U.C.L.A. ended up bringing in a much larger cohort than the university anticipated, demonstrating student demand. The University of Pittsburgh has taken a different approach, launching a new undergraduate major combining physics and traditional computer science, answering the need for a four-year program that prepares students for either employment or more education. In addition, Ohio recently became the first state to add quantum training to its K-12 science curricula.

And finally, professors are starting to incorporate hands-on, application-focused lessons into their quantum curricula. Universities around the world are beginning to teach courses using Qiskit, Cirq and other open-source quantum programming frameworks that let their students experiment on real quantum computers through the cloud.

Some question this initiative. I’ve heard skeptics ask, is it a good idea to train a new generation of students in a technology that is not fully realized? Or what can really be gained by trying to teach quantum physics to students so young?

These are reasonable questions but consider: Quantum is more than just a technology; it’s a field of study that undergirds chemistry, biology, engineering and more; quantum education is valuable beyond just computing. And if quantum computing does pan out—which I think it will—then we’ll be far better off if more people understand it.

Quantum technology is the future, and quantum computing education is STEM education, as Charles Tahan, the director at the National Quantum Coordination Office, once told me. Not all of these students will end up directly in the quantum industry at the end, and that’s all for the better. They might work in a related science or engineering field, such as fiber optics or cybersecurity, that would benefit from their knowledge of quantum, or in business where they can make better decisions based on their understanding of the technology.

At my job, I talk about quantum technologies to students daily. And I’ve learned that above all, they are hungry to learn. Quantum overturns our perception of reality. It draws people in and keeps them there, as the popularity of NASA and the moon landing did for astrophysics. We should lean into what captures students’ attention and shape our programs and curricula to meet these desires.

For those schools adapting to the emerging quantum era, the core message is simple: don’t underestimate your students. Some might hear the word quantum and shudder, fearing it is beyond their comprehension. But I have met high school and middle school students who grasp the concepts with ease. How can we expect young students to pursue this subject when we gate-keep it behind years of pulleys and sliding blocks? Universities should start introducing quantum information much sooner in the curriculum, and K-12 schools should not shy away from introducing some basic quantum concepts at an early age. We should not underestimate students, but rather, we should trust them to tell us what they want to learn—for their benefit and for all of science. If we drag our feet even a little, we all stand to lose the immense benefits quantum could bring to our economy, technology and future industries.

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Technology innovation in the insurance sector

The insurance industry has long been known for its traditional, risk-averse nature. However, the emergence of technology has brought about significant changes in recent years. As consumers become more tech-savvy and demanding, the insurance industry has begun embracing technology in order to maintain its competitiveness and improve its services. A new wave of innovation known as “insurtech” has evolved, which refers to using technology to enhance and streamline insurance services. These companies are disrupting the traditional insurance market with new business models, products, and services. Thus, in order to provide specialized and effective insurance solutions, they use technology like big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Also, these businesses offer their clients a user-friendly and practical digital experience, which is critical in today’s fast-paced world.

The insurance industry has benefited from technological innovation by enhancing ease, personalization, transparency, efficiency, profitability, and risk management. To fully utilize the potential of technology in the insurance sector, however, issues including legislation, client uptake, and data privacy and security must be addressed. Here’s a look at some of the newest technological advancements in the insurance industry-

Big Data Analytics

The insurance sector has experienced a paradigm shift because of big data analytics. These firms have access to vast data, including information on consumer demographics and claims. Furthermore, insurance companies can make better decisions by employing advanced analytics tools to evaluate this data and find patterns and trends. Insurers can provide customers with customized plans using big data analytics to personalize insurance products. Also, big data analytics capacity to detect fraud is among its most important benefits. It enables insurance companies to spot fraud and take appropriate action before a claim is settled.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is another technology that is transforming the insurance industry. It can be used to automate a variety of processes. In addition, automation allows insurance companies to reduce costs while increasing efficiency. These firms can provide personalized policies to customers by customizing their insurance offerings with AI. One of the most significant advantages of AI is its ability to reduce risk. Thus, insurance is built on risk management, and AI can help insurers identify and reduce risk. For instance, artificial intelligence can be used to evaluate weather data in order to forecast the risk of natural disasters, allowing insurers to adjust their policies as required.


Using blockchain technology in the insurance management system will alter how insurers interact with one another and their customers. Through shared networks, blockchain will aid in creating interoperability among insurers. Furthermore, its immutable feature of being tamper-proof is an asset that insurers will value. It contributes to the transparency of all transactions and information. Since all data on a blockchain is encrypted and can only be viewed by network participants, blockchain is anticipated to boost coverage amounts in the insurance sector due to its transparency in real-time transactions.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Insurers can use IoT devices to monitor and improve the efficiency of their insured policies. One of the IT solutions for the insurance industry is IoT development. For instance, it will aid in the optimization of the customer experience and the detection of fraudulent claims. The implementation of IoT is widely spread in the corporate sector because it reduces human error and claims while also lowering insurance loss rates. Moreover, IoT increases coverage amount (invoice value) by reducing reinsurance underwriting, enhancing underwriting productivity, and raising provider awareness.

Sunday 12 March 2023

Can AI Tools Like ChatGPT Replace Computer Programmers?

Despite the fast-evolving capabilities of AI chatbots to write code as well as human language, many computer science educators see significant limits for these tools in accuracy, security and copyright infringement.

More than 45 million U.S. workers could be displaced by automation by 2030 amid advances in the field of artificial intelligence, according to 2021 estimates from the research firm McKinsey Global Institute. With the emergence of online AI chatbots like ChatGPT, which can successfully mimic human writing and produce code, could software developers be among them? Are the architects of AI chatbots effectively software-designing themselves out of a job? Many experts doubt it.

Ever since OpenAI launched ChatGPT late last year, the Internet has been abuzz with debate about whether continuously improving AI tools can or should replace humans in a variety of jobs. But according to Alan Fern, professor of computer science and executive director of AI research at Oregon State University’s College of Engineering, AI chatbots still mostly work best as tools for programmers rather than as programmers themselves. He believes that when it comes to the more thoughtful design decisions, humans are not going anywhere anytime soon.

“There is already a ChatGPT-style system for coding called Copilot, and it’s basically a GPT model whose training was focused on code, GitHub code. I’ve heard many very good programmers say that tool has improved their productivity, but it’s just a tool and is good at the mundane things that take programmers time to look up or learn,” he said in an email to Government Technology. “Copilot still will produce erroneous code, just like ChatGPT produces incorrect statements, so humans must still be in the loop. These models don’t really reason at a deep level and there isn’t a clear path to getting them there. It is for that reason that I think programmers will be employed for a long time, but the efficiency will improve dramatically.”

“The types of jobs that might become obsolete or much reduced [by AI advancements] could be those that are mainly about eloquence but do not require deep thinking. Some customer service jobs are like that,” he added. “The difficult thing to predict is what jobs, companies, industries, will be created.”

Dakota State University computer science professor Austin O’Brien agreed that while AI has made dramatic leaps in its ability to copy human writing, for example, it still has a long way to go before it can be trusted to do coding. He said the technology is still prone to making mistakes like AI hallucinations, which happen when an AI model generates output to an inquiry that makes little to no sense.

“ChatGPT was trained on human language with the goal of producing human-like text. It’s clear that code repositories were also used for training, and I’ve seen some very impressive output when asked to produce code similar to assignments I have given to students. That said, I’ve also asked it to produce a few things that aren’t possible in code, and it would give its best shot, although it was quite incorrect. This occurred when ChatGPT was first released, but trying it again recently, it now lets me know that it’s not possible, so it appears that they are continually updating it with new information to make it better,” he wrote in an email. “Since it’s based on natural language models, it’s mimicking what it has seen before in that context and doesn’t have a deeper understanding of the algorithms, data structures, or possess general problem-solving skills. It can’t truly extrapolate new solutions to unknown problems and will likely struggle when new ones are presented.”

While using current AI technology to replace coding professionals may be years and years down the line, and especially for more advanced software development functions, O’Brien expects some jobs more generally to become obsolete due to advancements in AI. He said this is already happening in careers such as data entry and customer service, slowly but surely.

“With the loss of these jobs, there is typically an increase in job creation in other areas, usually in the technology industry itself, like AI, cybersecurity and data analytics. I don’t, however, really think it’s fair or reasonable to tell someone who may lose their job to simply learn a new technology skill,” he said. “I think it’s important for transition programs to be in place to help these people procure new jobs in the changing market. … History is full of examples where workers have been displaced by new technology and the job market had to adapt. It’s not necessarily a new problem, but one that must be addressed again soon.”

Saurabh Bagchi, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and computer science at Purdue University, said ChatGPT-like AI tools appear to be getting better at generating “snippets” of code, but agreed that the technology is still not completely reliable by any means.

He added that when ChatGPT puts together a piece of code, there is no way of tracing it back for attribution to see whether it comes from licensed software packages, which could present intellectual property concerns for those using it in its current form for software development.

“It’s a quantum leap over where AI code assistants were even two years back,” he said. “But a lot of the industry colleagues that I work and collaborate with that I hear from are a little cagey about using code generated by ChatGPT. It’s not clear how secure or reliable ChatGPT-generated code is. This is under active investigation in academic labs, including ours, and we hope to get a better idea within six months or so.”

While the technology is still not capable of replacing human programmers responsible for updating and maintaining large-scale software involving efficient algorithms, legacy systems and languages, computer science professor Amanda Fernandez of the University of Texas at San Antonio said in an email that AI chatbots could prove helpful in jobs like journalism for preliminary topic research, or for helping teachers create lesson plans, for example.

Still, she said, “a human will always need to be in the loop to verify accuracy” with the AI’s output.

“There have been many innovations in programming meant to ‘remove the programmer’ from needing to write code over the decades. For example, COBOL programming language was meant to make it easier for anyone to write code [through] a programming language which reads more like English, as opposed to assembly language or binary,” she said. “These tools and concepts have changed the way programmers complete tasks, and technologies like ChatGPT will similarly impact these jobs as a useful resource.”

But O’Brien said that advances within the field of AI outside of programs using natural language processing could eventually be a different story when it comes to whether humans will be replaced in any given job field, or for more advanced software development roles.

“One day, a new technology that possesses these traits may come along, but I don’t think ChatGPT is it,” he said.

Thursday 9 March 2023

Brain Cells Inspire Novel Computer Components

the human brain is still superior to modern computers. Although most people can't do math as fast as a computer, we can effortlessly process complex sensory information and learn from experiences, while a computer cannot – at least not yet. And, the brain does all this by consuming less than half as much energy as a laptop.One of the reasons for the brain's energy efficiency is its structure. The individual brain cells – the neurons and their connections, the synapses – can both store and process information. In computers, however, the memory is separate from the processor, and data must be transported back and forth between these two components. The speed of this transfer is limited, which can slow down the whole computer when working with large amounts of data.One possible solution to this bottleneck are novel computer architectures that are modeled on the human brain. To this end, scientists are developing so-called memristors: components that, like brain cells, combine data storage and processing. A team of researchers from Empa, ETH Zurich and the "Politecnico di Milano" has now developed a memristor that is more powerful and easier to manufacture than its predecessors. The researchers have recently published their results in the journal Science Advances.

Performance through mixed ionic and electronic conductivity

The novel memristors are based on halide perovskite nanocrystals, a semiconductor material known from solar cell manufacturing. "Halide perovskites conduct both ions and electrons," explains Rohit John, former ETH Fellow and postdoctoral researcher at both ETH Zurich and Empa. "This dual conductivity enables more complex calculations that closely resemble processes in the brain."

The researchers conducted the experimental part of the study entirely at Empa: They manufactured the thin-film memristors at the Thin Films and Photovoltaics laboratory and investigated their physical properties at the Transport at Nanoscale Interfaces laboratory. Based on the measurement results, they then simulated a complex computational task that corresponds to a learning process in the visual cortex in the brain. The task involved determining the orientation of light based on signals from the retina.

"As far as we know, this is only the second time this kind of computation has been performed on memristors," says Maksym Kovalenko, professor at ETH Zurich and head of the Functional Inorganic Materials research group at Empa. "At the same time, our memristors are much easier to manufacture than before." This is because, in contrast to many other semiconductors, perovskites crystallize at low temperatures. In addition, the new memristors do not require the complex preconditioning through application of specific voltages that comparable devices need for such computing tasks. This makes them faster and more energy-efficient.

Complementing rather than replacing

The technology, though, is not quite ready for deployment yet. The ease with which the new memristors can be manufactured also makes them difficult to integrate with existing computer chips: Perovskites cannot withstand temperatures of 400 to 500 degrees Celsius that are needed to process silicon – at least not yet. But according to Daniele Ielmini, professor at the "Politecnico di Milano", that integration is key to the success for new brain-like computer technologies. "Our goal is not to replace classical computer architecture," he explains. "Rather, we want to develop alternative architectures that can perform certain tasks faster and with greater energy efficiency. This includes, for example, the parallel processing of large amounts of data, which is generated everywhere today, from agriculture to space exploration."

Promisingly, there are other materials with similar properties that could be used to make high-performance memristors. "We can now test our memristor design with different materials," says Alessandro Milozzi, a doctoral student at the "Politecnico di Milano". "It is quite possible that some of them are better suited for integration with silicon."

Monday 6 March 2023

Windows 11 KB5022913 causes boot issues if using UI customization apps



Microsoft says the KB5022913 February 2023 non-security preview release is causing boot issues on Windows 11 22H2 systems due to incompatibility with some third-party UI customization apps.
In a new update to the Windows Health Dashboard, the company explained that using UI customization applications could potentially prevent Windows from starting up properly.
This is because apps that help modify Windows 11's behavior or user interface may also create issues with updates released starting today.
"After installing KB5022913 or later updates, Windows devices with some third-party UI customization apps might not start up," Microsoft said.
"These third-party apps might cause errors with explorer.exe that might repeat multiple times in a loop. The known affected third-party UI customization apps are ExplorerPatcher and StartAllBack.
"These types of apps often use unsupported methods to achieve their customization and, as a result, can have unintended results on your Windows device."
Customers are advised to remove any third-party UI customization application before installing today's KB5022913 preview update to avoid encountering this issue.

The company says that affected customers running StartAllBack can update to the latest released version (v3.5.6 or newer), which might prevent these system boot problems.
Microsoft says it's investigating this newly acknowledged known issue and will provide an update as soon as more information is available.
The KB5022913 Windows 11 non-security cumulative update was released today with a large set of new features, part of Microsoft's newly announced Moment 2 update.
The list of improvements includes but is not limited to an AI-powered Bing Chat integrated into the Windows taskbar, Phone Link for iOS devices, a Task Manager search bar, a new Tabbed Notepad, energy recommendations, screen recording in the Snipping Tool, and a fix for an issue causing a massive Windows 11 22H2 file copy performance hit.

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Saturday 4 March 2023



Biocomputers meet at the intersection of biology and computer science, where their circuits and components areformed from biological molecules or structures.

“Most studies focus on engineering DNA, genes, or proteins to create data storage or perform simple operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and logic operations,” explained Zorlutuna. “Only a few studies have aimed to solve computing problems using bio-inspired computing systems. However, most of them are based on simulations and have not yet been applied in reality.”

The team’s biocomputer is based on an oscillator system, which are mechanical or electrical devices that operate on the principles of oscillation. Our brains, computers, clocks, and radios all use oscillators, which carry out their operations based on the periodic fluctuation between two components, such as the repetitive to-and-fro movement of a pendulum clock.

“Oscillatory signals have a very rich information representation, for example, the frequencies of two oscillatory signals and the inequality between them can have various meanings,” said Ji.

This plays a crucial role in how our brain communicates and processes information, allowing it to compute tasks in parallel, while conventional computers must run each step one at a time. “No wonder that for problems that require thousands of steps, the modern computer would take an extremely long time to solve them,” added Ji.

Thursday 2 March 2023

A computing system made from heart cells


A biocomputer built from connected heart cells solves computational problems with high accuracy and at a low computational cost.It is an understatement to say that modern computers have and continue to shape civilization. Since their implementation, information has become more accessible, technological feats such as space exploration became possible, entertainment became more entertaining, and communication made easier.However, computer scientists are hitting a wall when it comes to dealing with the vast amounts of data being generated, which contribute a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions in the form of energy required to run computations and store data in storage centers.Turning to biologyAs computational tasks become more and more complex, there is an exponential increase in the amount of computing resources, such as memory and time. While computers are being designed to be more and more powerful and efficient, there is still a lag, which motivated a team of scientists from the University of Notre Dame in the US to explore alternative computing models that require less time and energy to run.“We humans have evolved over billions of years and [our bodies] exhibit high efficiency and powerful multi-tasking capabilities that artificial devices can hardly achieve,” said Jiaying Ji, a graduate student in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame advised by Pinar Zorlutuna, Sheehan Family Collegiate Professor of Engineering at the University of Notre Dame and the principal investigator of the project.In their study published in Advanced Intelligent Systems, Zorlutuna and collaborators, including Suman Datta, Joseph M Pettit Chair in Advanced Computing and professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and Nikhil Shukla, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Virginia,  report the development of a biocomputing device inspired by the brain and heart.
Composed of over two billion muscle cells, the heart consumes only six Watts (W) of energy to sustain constant, daily beating — this is in comparison to the most common type of light bulb, which consumes 60 W. The human brain also exhibits powerful multi-tasking capabilities, precisely controlling breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, and many other physiological functions at same time.

“Inspired by nature’s advantages over modern computers, we aimed to combine the efficiency of the heart and the information processing ability of brain to build a new bio-computing platform for solving computationally hard problems, problems that current modern computers fail at,” said Ji.

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